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Curso - Artificial intelligence for productivity and effectiveness

How to integrate ai in my daily work

  • Virtual
  • Desarrollo
3 horas

Precio In-Company - ¿Qué incluye?
Bonificable por grupo de 10 asistentes: 390 €
Precio para un grupo de hasta 10 personas

¿Quieres desarrollar un proyecto específico para tu organización?
Un equipo de consultores está a tu disposición para ofrecerte un contenido adaptado, a medida de tus objetivos.

Logo Cegos Learning Collection

AI is here to stay. It results from technological evolution in recent decades that would inevitably lead to the reality we are witnessing. Thus, regardless of the context or its application, facing the challenges that arise, the ideal is that we learn to live with this revolution. Discover, during this course, how to harness the potential of AI to automate tasks, save valuable time, and focus on high-value-added activities. This technology is an indispensable asset for those seeking to increase professional effectiveness and efficiency.

Cegos Learning Collection

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  • Professionals who need to increase their proficiency in using AI tools.

Contenido de la formación

1. AI and its applications in a professional context 

  • Understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its impact on the world of work. 
  • Discover the different applications of AI to improve quality and efficiency.  
  • Write effective prompts. 

2. Task and information management through AI 

  • Explore AI tools and applications that facilitate task and project management. 
  • Automate repetitive tasks and optimize planning using virtual assistants. 
  • Using AI to cope with and manage everyday information overload 

3. AI as a way to stimulate your creativity 

  • Discover valuable AI tools as allies in the creative process 
  • Leverage AI-based collective intelligence and collaboration platforms to drive innovation and creativity. 

4. Safety, ethics and limitations of AI in a professional context 

  • Understand the security and privacy issues related to the use of AI  
  • Understand ethical considerations in the use of AI and the responsibility to minimize risks 
  • Identify the current limitations of AI and precautions to take to avoid potential errors. 

Objetivos de la formación

  • Optimise tasks, automate processes, and save valuable time through effective prompt writing.
  • Utilise AI to interpret data and make informed decisions.
  • Enhance time management and organisation skills.

Beneficios adicionales

Este curso intensivo de 3 horas tiene como objetivo ofrecer una introducción rápida y concisa al tema de interés. Se centra en los conceptos y habilidades fundamentales para que puedas adquirir conocimientos o competencias de forma rápida y efectiva. Es útil para prepararte en tu nueva función, actualizar y revisar tus prácticas o para familiarizarte con un tema específico.

Curso - Artificial intelligence for productivity and effectiveness